
History Curriculum Association 1990

GCSE History: An Alternative Approach

The orginal document has been transcibed to digital. View in your browser or download the PDF here.

Archived Newsletters and other news

CRE Newsletter Summer/Autumn 2024 | Issue 114


  1. Editorial | Restoring Respect for Teachers and Schooling
  2. CRE Education Manifesto for the next General Election
  3. Educational propaganda and cultural self-hatred: A personal view by Dr. Piers Legh
  4. OECD PISA Assessments - The Fuller Picture
  5. Myths of Empire: Essential reading for teachers
  6. Around 90% of Schools are 'Good' or 'Outstanding' and Still iImproving - True or False?
  7. New guidance on teaching Relationship, Sex and Health Education
  8. Observations on the contrast between teaching in South Korea and England
  9. No Comment

Download the latest edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

CRE Newsletter Winter/Spring 2023/24 | Issue 113


  1. Editorial | The King's Speech
  2. PISA Test Results
  3. Desecrating War Memorials: A Case of Decolonising History?
  4. Re-education For Pupils Who Are Deemed Insufficiently Woke
  5. Uniform Thinking
  6. Artificial Intelligence
  7. Teacher Shortages?
  8. Ofsted Nonsense
  9. Crumbling Concrete In Our Schools
  10. Nick Gibb
  11. No Comment

Download the latest edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

CRE Newsletter Summer/Autumn 2023 | Issue 112


  1. Editorial
  2. The Progress in International Reading Literacy Study [PIRLS]
  3. Did Northern Ireland Outperform England on the PIRLS tests?
  4. Ofsted
  5. The Mysterious Case of Professor Biggar & the Harry Potter Publisher
  6. Scotland’s National Discussion on Education
  7. Teacher Strikes
  8. Teacher Recruitment from Overseas
  9. A Time of Despair? Three Cases to Ponder
  10. Scotland’s National Discussion on Education
  11. Sex Education: Welsh Government, Not Parents, Knows What is Best for Children
  12. No Comment

Download the latest edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

CRE Newsletter Winter/Spring 2022/23 | Issue 111


  1. Editorial
  2. The Education Secretary Carousel
  3. Catching Up with the Best Education Systems Around the World
  4. Decolonising the Curriculum in Higher Education
  5. A Triumph for History Teachers
  6. CND - The Campaign for Non-Deterrence in Schools
  7. The Secline of Education in Wales
  8. Observance Months
  9. No Comment

Download Issue 111 PDF here

CRE Newsletter Summer/Autumn 2022 | Issue 110


  1. Editorial
  2. The 2022 Schools Bill - The Blob Strikes Back!
  3. Trigger Warnings
  4. The End of Marking?
  5. Promoting the Nationalist Agenda in Scottish Classrooms
  6. Oxbridge Entrance and the Deprivation Gap
  7. The Loneliness of Long-distance Learning
  8. The Normalisation of Online Learning - Paul Wiltshire
  9. No Comment

Download Issue 110 PDF here

CRE Newsletter Winter/Spring 2021/22 | Issue 109


  1. Editorial
  2. Whatever Happened to the World’s Best Education System?
  3. The UK - The World’s Big-spenders on Education
  4. ‘Wear a Skirt to School Day’ in Scotland
  5. Michael Rosen, the Guardian and Ofsted’s Lack of Humanity
  6. Summer 2022 - Does More Examination Chaos Lies Ahead?
  7. No Comment

Download Issue 109 PDF here

Newsletter Autumn 2021 | Issue 108

Download the Autumn edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Summer 2021 | Issue 107

Download the Summer edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Spring 2021 | Issue 106

Download the Spring edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Winter 2020/21 | Issue 105

Download the Winter edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Autumn 2020 | Issue 104

Download the Autumn edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Summer 2020 | Issue 103

Download the Summer edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Spring 2020 | Issue 102

Download the Spring edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Winter 2019/20 | Issue 101

Download the Winter edition of the Campaign for Real Education newsletter here

Newsletter Autumn 2019 | Issue 100

The Autumn edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Summer 2019

The Summer edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Spring 2019

The latest edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Winter 2019

The latest edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Autumn 2018

The latest edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Summer 2018

The Summer edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Spring 2018

The latest edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Winter 2018

The Autumn edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Autumn 2017

The Autumn edition of the newsletter is available to download here

Newsletter Summer 2017

The Summer edition of the newsletter is available to download here

General Election 2017 - CRE Education Manifesto

PDF available to view here.

Whole Class Teaching

The CRE is pleased to publish Whole Class Teaching, a pamphlet by Irina Tyk, Head of Holland House School. If you would like to order a complimentary copy, please e-mail or write to Priya Dutta (contact details below). The PDF is available to view here.

Newsletter Spring 2017

The latest edition of the newsletter is available to download here

The Campaign for Real Social Science: Restoring Science to the Social Sciences

The CRE is delighted to publish this pamphlet by Dr Bruce Oliver Newsome, Assistant Teaching Professor in International Relations at the University of California, Berkeley. The PDF is available to view here. here

Newsletter Winter 2017

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Autumn 2016

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Summer 2016

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Spring 2016

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Winter 2016

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Autumn 2015

Download this edition as a pdf here

The Campaign for Real Social Science: Restoring Science to the Social Sciences

The CRE is delighted to publish this pamphlet by Dr Bruce Oliver Newsome, Assistant Teaching Professor in International Relations at the University of California, Berkeley. The PDF is available to view here. here

Newsletter Winter 2015

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Autumn 2014

Download this edition as a pdf here

CRE Manifesto

The CRE has released its own manifesto for the general election next year. You can view it here.

Whole Class Teaching

The CRE is pleased to publish Whole Class Teaching, a pamphlet by Irina Tyk, Head of Holland House School. If you would like to order a complimentary copy, please e-mail or write to Priya Dutta (contact details below). The PDF is available to view here.

Newsletter Summer 2014

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Spring 2014

Download this edition as a pdf here

Newsletter Winter 2013

Download this edition as a pdf here

News Release

MORI study for CRE shows 8 in 10 (81%) say schools should be prepared to teach both World Wars
read more here

Sign the petition here

Newsletter Autumn 2013

The newsletter is available to download here

Nick Seaton

It is with very great sadness that we announce the death of Nick Seaton on Thursday 29th November 2012. Nick Seaton

Nick founded the CRE twenty-five years ago and served as chairman for most of that time. Over the past couple of years he continued to work tirelessly in his role as CRE secretary. As the CRE’s central figure, he did more for education in this country than anyone. He kept a flag of resistance flying in the face of educational fashions that have gone on to fail a generation of youngsters. He provided an honest voice for that silent majority of parents, teachers and pupils who were afraid to speak out against the educational establishment. To the end he remained an unsung hero. Without Nick we would never have had a great debate about education because there would not have been a voice of dissent. He was the best of men and he will be greatly missed. The CRE will continue to hold the flag he raised.

It was Nick’s final wish, in writing, that his funeral be a private family event. He asked that any donations be sent to the CRE or to the Macmillan Nurses (

Katharine Birbalsingh Defence Fund

Please show your support for Katharine Birbalsingh, the deputy headteacher who has lost her job for speaking the truth. More...


Chairman: Chris McGovern.  Tel: 07757 715145.  Email: [email protected]
Vice-Chairman: Katie Ivens.  Tel: 07990 997215
Treasurer: Dr WAD Freeman. Email: [email protected]
Secretary: Alison McRobb. Email: [email protected]